Count votes with Meek's Method RCV / STV

The tabulation web page to count votes featured by this project follows the Meek's method reference rule as published by the Proportional Representation Foundation and optional extensions. The web page is open source and the tabulation of votes is entirely a browser-based, client-side process.

To get started, just click on the above link to the web page, and then click / tap on the "Count Votes" button to tabulate the small pre-defined sample election contest.

For additional help getting started, read the web page's help topics. For some additional background, you can read the project's README file.

There are several sample files which provide data for other demo election contests. You can copy and paste text from some of those files into the tabulation web page's input area. You can also download any of the files to your computer and then import the downloaded file by clicking / tapping on the "Read File" button. Expected results for the sample files are also provided.

An explanation of one of the sample files also includes a brief tour of doing a vacancy re-tabulation.

This implementation includes several extensions to the reference rule, including the ability to perform vacancy re-tabulations. A vacancy re-tabulation can designate who should fill one or more vacancies based on voter preferences in a prior election, while honoring the goal of proportional representation within the constraints of filling a vacancy. Additional explanations and resources about vacancy re-tabulations are provided.

The Meeks-PRF-web project is the repository for these web pages.